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Wednesday, May 18, 2011


India has highly qualified doctors and is rich in resources. Moreover the cost of treatment in India is almost miniscule compared to any western country. There has been a huge increase in the number of people coming to India for infertility treatment. Coming to India for treatment automatically ensures that you save up to 50% of the total money for IVF. The labor force in India is much cheaper than the West though the quality has not been compromised, a rare achievement indeed. There are quality health centers in all Indian cities, and they can give you the best deal on your treatment.

There are a number of tips and ways one can save up on fertility treatment. Since money is hard to come by these days, it is very necessary to adopt these strategies. These tips should be used previously in order to save up for the IVF treatment. Whenever possible, pay by cash, instead of credit as you tend to spend more than you intend to on credit. Ask the doctor if a cheaper drug is available than the one prescribed. Never go for brand names and you might save as much as 50%.

Moreover besides the significantly less fee charged by the surgeons in India, the cost of medicines, bed, accommodation, food, travel (if necessary) and miscellaneous would be miniscule compared to any western country. For example a person can have a hearty meal in India for 2 dollars or even a buck. Medicines here are cheaper by almost 60%. There are a range of advantages while undergoing IVF treatment in India.